Cycling Cities

De VogelVrije Fietser verschijnt voor één keer ook in het Engels en is omgedoopt tot Cycling Cities. De reden: de klimaattop in Kopenhagen. In Cycling Cities staan de successen van de twee fietslanden van Europa centraal: Nederland en Denemarken.

De Deense fietsersbond gaat Cycling Cities in Kopenhagen verspreiden. En Hugo van der Steenhoven en Wim Bot delen de Vogelvrije Fietser uit in de Kopenhagen Express, die op 12 december vanuit Utrecht vertrekt. In de trein zitten onder anderen minster Cramer, wethouders, jongeren, wetenschappers en vertegenwoordigers van milieu-, natuur-, vrouwen-, en ontwikkelingsorganisaties.

Lees ook het editorial van hoofdredacteur Michiel Slütter.

Het Engelstalige magazine kan online worden gelezen (pdf)


Copenhagen invests heavily in cycling facilities. Not because ‘them’ at city hall particularly like bicycles, but because Copenhagen has discovered that all those cyclists turn the city into a pleasant place to live. The benefits are obvious: a bicycle doesn’t pollute, cyclists don’t cause any traffic congestion and they are fitter too. Copenhagen is full of cyclists now. Nearly four in ten commuters cycle into work, and the city wants half of the residents to use their bikes in six years’ time. The ambitions are infectious. It’s nearly a full day’s work for council officials to speak to delegations from all over the world. Metropolises across the globe are faced with pollution, congestions and obesity. Denmark is not the only country with a lot of cyclists; in the Netherlands too, bicycles are a normal part of daily life. Everyone has a bicycle and uses it to get to work, the shops, the nursery or school. The bicycle is so commonplace, that we in the Netherlands would almost forget that it’s something special. With their successful cycling policies, the Netherlands and Denmark offer the world a formula that turns the city into a habitable and attractive place.

Michiel Slütter
Chief Editor of the Vogelvrije Fietser,
the magazine of the Dutch Cyclists’ Union
[email protected]
